The mysterious appearance of the enigmatic ship named Sam Ratulangi on the coast of Myanmar was investigated...
Adam Bryczek is a farmer from Poland who one day decided to take a walk around his...
DETROIT — Renovations of the iconic James Scott Mansion in Detroit’s Cass Corridor are nearly complete, and...
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and chat about something that might ring a bell from...
It is one of Detroit’s oldest and most beautiful houses. The house was built between 1876 and...
Demolished! The house was built in the 1870’s in Ohio. The house stayed in the same family...
Owning a dream house is a lifelong aspiration for many. It represents a sanctuary where we find...
It’s every homeowner’s fear that they will end up with troublesome neighbors. But what happens if after...
In his daily walks up the lane called the “Cobble,” a man from Scotland came across an...
Uncovering History: Man Discovers WW2 Air Raid Shelter in His Driveway Simon Marks, 37, experienced an unexpected...