Adam Bryczek is a farmer from Poland who one day decided to take a walk around his property. Unaware of anything bad, he saw a hole in which he thought an animal had settled, determined to become the farmer’s neighbor.
The man accidentally fell into the hole, which transported him “back in time” to 8000 BC. As he fell into the hole, the farmer noticed that the tunnel branched in different directions and there was doubt that the hole was home to some kind of animal.
It was quite spacious – the passage was about 10 meters long, about 10 meters high and up to 140 meters long.
Adam realized he was in a cave.
The man found it surprising and reported it to the monument protection officer of the Krassnicki district. The historian said that the cave in question could be attributed to the Pleistocene era.
According to the investigations carried out later, it turned out that the karst cave was formed with the participation of nature and the vertical planes were surprisingly flat. Historians assured that the find was more than 11,000 years old.
The walls of the building indicated that they had been visited by people who had quarried stone here. There were markings on the levels indicating that tools that were relevant at the time were being worked here.
Despite the fact that information about the cave was published for a wide audience, it was decided not to declassify the location of the find, since, according to those involved in the story, excessive attention could harm the unique monument